I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....
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I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....

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May 2, 2011???

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1May 2, 2011??? Empty May 2, 2011??? Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:01 pm



I got this in a economist email...will D-Day be May 2, 2011?? or will they crash this fiat system and go to the NEW global banking system before May 2??:

We're heading at breakneck pace toward an inevitable financial cliff.

We're heading at breakneck pace toward an inevitable financial cliff. And there's the only way I know to prepare for the fateful day....

Hi, my name is Michael Lombarbi. I'm the founder of Lombardi Publishing.

It was difficult for me to tell you the following story.

As publisher of an international financial advisory - guiding the savings of thousands of people - I don't make this prediction lightly.

I deliberated about telling you about this...But with some reluctance, I must share the burden of knowledge with you.

Not because you should lose sleep over it as I did.. but because I hope you'll be prepared for the events about to happen.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't believe anyone can predict the future.

I certainly don't claim to have any such ability.

I believe that I have pinpointed with accuracy the coming collapse of our stock market.

In this video, not only will I show you exactly how events silently unfolding today are carrying us toward this date....

but I'll show you the only way I know to prepare yourself... so you don't become a victim... and so you can even profit during this dire situation.

Everything I'm about to tell you, you'll be able to verify for yourself.

When you do, I'm certain you'll come to the same conclusion I did...

That the markets will start their free fall - as closely as I can tell - on Monday, May 2, 2011.

How can I be so sure?

And what can you do now, to prepare yourself for this impending event?

Because a private meeting was taking place while you and I enjoyed our dinners last Thanksgiving.

Halfway around the world in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Chinese Premier Wen Jaibao, and Russian Prime Minister Putin, made a pact that sealed the future of their countries, and the U.S. as well.

News of this never made it to the U.S. not to the pages of USA Today... not the Wall Street Journal... or the New York Times.

The major U.S. networks were quiet about it too. Neither CNN nor MSNBC reported on the situation.

Not even after it was leaked by ChinaDaily the Chinese national press.

But other press around the world picked up on it, including London's DailyMail, which reported, "China and Russia are renouncing the U.S."

What makes this meeting so important...is that it involved the two most powerful Asian countries...

and former enemies... collaborating to cut the U.S. out of their financial picture for good...

and by doing so - collapse out economy further.

Nearly everything you and I buy nowadays is made outside the U.S.

Your mobile phone... flat-screen TV... clothes... shaver... furniture..Chances are most of the things around your house were made in one place...

In China.

And we bought these things from the Chinese with our U.S. dollars.

We've been buying things from them for so long, that they've amassed over $2.45 TRILLION

After watching our economy unravel, China apparently now wants nothing to do with our dollars any more.

The meeting with Russian leaders was the latest, and as you'll see, the final meeting to accomplish China's plan.

China had already held secret meetings with other world leaders....

According to London based The Independent, Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and Central bank governors in China, Russia, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme.

Australia's main news network, NEWS, reported on another taking place, "in Sydney at a secret location."

My international contacts have only been able to confirm one thing about these meetings...

Each of these countries is silently colluding with China to cut their economic ties with the U.S.

More specifically: to dump the US dollar as soon as they can.

And on Thanksgiving, the Chinadaily finally confirmed it, saying "China and Russia have decided to renounce the US dollar."

And the fateful day...as near as I can tell...will be on Monday, May 2, 2011.

I'm not sure if you understand the significance of China's decision, but when this day comes, it will crash our economy worse then we saw in 2008.

I'm sure you saw in 2008 how quickly stock prices can plumment.

The reason they fell so low and so fast, is because Wall Street pros offloaded millions of share of blue chip stocks as fast as they could.

Shares of some blue chips, like Microsoft fell from $34 to $14... even though there was nothing wrong with the stock.

It's just that nobody wanted to buy it. And anyone selling it was desperate to take any price.

I'm telling you this because what happened in 2008 with stocks is also what happens internationally with currencies.

If a lot of countries decide that they want to get rid of their US dollar holdings...it will send the value of the dollar into a tailspin... just like stock prices in 2008.

China is worried about the trillions of dollars it has gotten from us. The dollar has lost value since the 2008 crash....and as a result, China's dollar savings are now worth about $100 billion less.

China doesn't want to lose any more of its savings. And is now planning secretly to cut its ties with the dollar.

That's why it had just gotten Russia's agreement to dump the US dollar.

It's also why China had those secret meetings with other countries...it needs help to unload its huge hoard of US dollar.

No press in America has been covering it. But news about China's plans has leaked out elsewhere around the world...

The International Business Times reported, "China and Russia are gradually revolting against the US dollar."

Britain's The Independent said, "the plans, confirmed by both Gulf Arab and Chinese banking sources in Hong Kong... augurs an extraordinary transition from dollar."

The Times of India added, "this event will become part of...the history of our financial markets."

When this happens, it will have disastrous affects within our country.

That's because our economy is closely intertwined with the top economies of the world.

Especially with China's.

If these reports are true, once China puts its plans into motion, it'll take a lot more dollars to pay for their electronics... clothes... and all other exports.

Our dollar will be less desirable to all other countries as well...even OPEC will charge us more for their oil.

It'll bring back the 1970's style oil crisis - with gas lineups around the block. It will certainly crash our economy worse than we witnessed in 2008.

And the day I expect this to start happening will be on May 2, 2011.

Because of what China has tried so desperately to hide from the rest of the world.

On the surface, China is an economic powerhouse. Over the past decade, its economy has grown faster and higher than any other country.

But underneath, there is a much grimmer picture that the Chinese government doesn't want you to see.

That's because unlike the rest of the developed world, China is still a communist nation.

It has embraced capitalism, and it's possible for the average Chinese citizen to get rich just like you and me.

But unlike in the U.S., the Chinese government is still highly secretive.

Very little information leaks out about its real financial situation... or the real picture about its economy.

But the little bit of information that has gotten out, paints an ominous picture that's far worse than anything you and I would have imagined.

In short: China's economic situation is at the same point today, as ours was in 2007 just before our economy crashed!

Our economy's collapse was brought about by questionable mortgages that people didn't really qualify for...and ultimately couldn't afford to pay.

Well, it's very much the same in China today. According to a Radio Australia correspondent....

"When I was in China, you would meet people routinely, who would go in and get home loans based on just signing a piece of paper. Or their loan officer would say, "You make 200,000 Yuan a month, that will get you the house. Just put down that number."

"I think there is a huge bubble in China... because banks [are] lending purely on a whim, just kind of keeping people in homes that they really couldn't afford."

China is in a much different situation than it's presenting to the rest of the world.

And it's heading toward the same banking collapse we did in 2008.

China has no choice, but to act fast to avoid catastrophe. And I believe it will act in the next few months.

I predict on May 2, 2011.

Their looming banking crisis isn't the only skeleton China is hiding in its closet...

We constantly hear that China's economy and cities are growing at a breakneck pace.

What you don't hear though, is that much of its construction has absolutely no demand for it.

In other words, there are millions of square feet of real estate with nobody living or working in them.

A prime example is the South China Mall... the biggest mall in the world, complete with Vegas and Disney style theme parks.

It was built in 2005, but is still mostly empty with over 1,000 empty retail spaces.

And this is the same story all across the country...

According to Singapore-based Economy Watch, China has 64.5 million apartments where the electricity meters have not been turned on yet, because the apartments are still vacant.

By comparison, when our housing market imploded, 600,000 properties were affected.

China's housing market is the largest financial bubble on earth...

because it's 100 times BIGGER than the one we had.

There's no telling how much longer the Chinese government can delay the eventual collapse.

But it will have to act fast, because there's another event silently unfolding today...

which points directly toward May 2, 2011...

Unlike in the US, China is also facing one other problem we haven't faced.

Unfortunately, this problem has only a few more months left before it implodes.

After our markets collapsed in the U.S. we still managed to head off runaway inflation.

But that isn't the case in China today.

According to a report by Canada's national paper, The Globe and Mail, food prices in China have gone up 10% in a month, with some food prices having doubled in just 6 months.

And it's not just food. Clothing and shoes have gone up 50% in the past year.

All of this can only mean one thing...

At china's current rate of inflation, the cost of living will be out of reach of the average Chinese person within half a year.

Most of them will no longer be able to afford their daily necessities, let alone their mortgage payments.

Many Chinese are already blaming the U.S. In fact, Indonesia's national paper, The Jakarta Globe, reported, "the source of China's infation is America, they are printing too much money."

The Chinese believe their economy is being dragged down because we aren't buying as many products as we did before 2008.

Their government must move fast to avoid the same collapse it watched us go through just 2 years ago.

And the only way it can do that, is to sever as many economic ties as it can to our country.

The Chinese government has been secretly planning this move.

That's why it has secret meetings with leaders from OPEC and other countries including russia, Brazil, Japan and France.

It plans to stop using the US dollar, and has made plans with those countries to do it in the near future.

The last meeting with Russian leaders proved they have agreed to do this right away.

The exact date of their plan is being kept secret. But I estimate it will most likely be on May 2, 2011.

And here is why:

With its current rate of inflation, China must move fast to fix its economy...to unhinge it from ours.

If the Chinese government doesn't act by this summer, it will face the same fate we did in 2008. But on a much larger scale.

So even if I'm wrong about my prediction - and China chooses to do nothing - its economy will implode by the summer of 2011.

In which case, what I fear most, will happen anyways...only a few months later.

But I don't believe the Chinese government will allow that to happen.

I expect they will execute their plan - together with Russia, on the one holiday both countries celebrate together...

In the communist world, the most important day of the year is the 1st of May.

It's the largest public holiday of the year in every single communist country on earth. It was the day when Soviet forces paraded through Moscow's Red Square.

And when Chinese forces still march in thousands through Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

For these countries, it's a day to celebrate the common worker...a communist notion about the common person's freedom from oppression.

What a better day to make their severance of ties with our economy...than on their common holiday, Sunday, May 1, 2011.

Through my sources, I've found that both countries have huge plans for their May parades.

Even though Russia is no longer a communist country, the May parade is still an enormous national event. Last year's celebration is witness to that.

And this year, they are preparing for the biggest May parade ever. In fact, the 500 year old Red square is undergoing major renovations for the monumental event.

I believe that after the stroke of midnight, on Sunday May 1, 2011 - both countries plan to carry out their joint plan.

And we will feel the consequesnces as soon as the sun rises on the Eastern seaboard on Monday morning, may 2, 2011.

How can I be so sure?

Because it's already happened before...

You see, the fastest, and most unexpected stock market crash on Wall Street didn't start in the U.S.

Instead, It started 13 hours earlier off the coast of China in Hong Kong...

and it worked its way around the globe through international time zones until it hit New York.

Perhaps you still remember the Monday morning on October 19, 1987.

We all awoke that morning to find that the stock market had already crashed. And it wasn't just our stock market, but every market around the world as well.

What few people knew, is that the crash happened because of an international dispute over the US dollar...because of an attempt to manipulate it by other nations.

Much like the currency dispute that's quietly brewing today.

And it started on Monday morning on the Hong Kong stock exchange.

The currency war on the exchange was fierce. It collapsed the Hong Kong market.

Afterwards the stock markets across the time zones followed suit...they were lined up to fall one after another like dominoes...

the chaos spread to Australia...then Bombay...seven hours later the Europe's Frankfurt, Paris and London.

The New York Stock Exchange was the last exchange to open that day. And it got the full brunt of the collapsed stock exchanges before it.

By the end of the day, American stock markets fell 23%. it was the largest collapse that Wall street has ever experienced.

Today the world's markets are even more connected than they were in 1987.

And I believe that Monday, May 2, will be a day few of us will forget.

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