I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....
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I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....

Dinar Outcast

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adviser said that the Iraqi Central Bank monetary policy in the country on the verge of a new developments are in favor of the national economy after the withdrawal of foreign military from Iraqi cities.

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BAGHDAD (Iba) / Central Bank / developments / .. adviser said that the Iraqi Central Bank monetary policy in the country on the verge of a new developments are in favor of the national economy after the withdrawal of foreign military from Iraqi cities.
واضاف مظهر محمد صالح لوكالة الصحافة المستقلة ( إيبا ) اليوم الخميس ان الاعلان الرسمي للانسحاب هو اعتراف بتحسن الواقع الامني وهو نقطة الانطلاق التي تخدم السياسة النقدية وتسهم في تعزيز قيمة صرف الدينار ازاء الدولار وتنعكس ايجابا على العملية الاقتصادية برمتها .
The appearance of Mohammed Saleh told the independent press (Iba) said Thursday that the official announcement of the withdrawal is a recognition of the improved security, a fact which serves the starting point of monetary policy and contribute to the enhancement of the value of the dinar against the dollar and reflected positively on the whole economic process.
واشار صالح الى عزم البنك على وضع البرامج المتطورة خلال العام الجاري وتفعيل الاتفاقيات الدولية وتوصيات المؤتمرات الخاصة بالبنك والمصارف العراقية .
The benefit of the bank's intention to develop high-technology programs during the current year and the activation of international conventions and recommendations of the Bank and Iraqi banks.
رادّا الانتقادات التي وجهها عدد من المعنيين بالشان الاقتصادي للسياسة النقدية .
Rada criticism by a number of those involved in economic affairs of monetary policy.
وشدد على ضرورة تأسيس المصارف بصورة مهنية ضمن انظمة وآليات عمل بعيدة عن اعتبارات الحجم وبما يتناسب ومصالح البللاد .
He stressed the need for the establishment of banks within the professional systems and mechanisms of action are far from considerations of scale and commensurate with the interests of Albullad.
مؤكدا ان التكامل الاقتصادي بما فيه النقدي ، مسألة بالغة الأهمية لرفع مستويات المعيشة المواطن والمنافسة الدولية المعتمدة على الافضليات .
Stressing that economic integration, including monetary, issue of great importance to raising the living standards of international competition and citizen-based preferences.
وتابع صالح ان البنك يؤكد على اعداد الدراسات والبحوث التي يعتمد عليها في رسم هذه السياسات وباستقلالية وشفافية مهنية ، مثلما هو الحال في البنوك العالمية .
The benefit of the Bank emphasizes the preparation of studies and research upon which these policies in the design and the professional independence and transparency, as in the case of international banks.
منوها الى ان جميع القائمين حريص على تطوير عمل المصارف والمحافظة على المكاسب التي تحققت خلال الفترة السابقة .
Adding that all those keen to develop the work of banks and to preserve the gains achieved during the previous period.
يذكر ان صالح ذكر في تصريح صحفي ان المعنيين بشؤون السياسة النقدية للبلاد يتابعون الغموض في فهم اشارات السياسة النقدية للبنك التي واصلت مواجهتها لحالتي التضخم الجامح وتدهور سعر صرف الدينار العراقي وعبر مظاهر الاختلال الاقتصادي والاجتماعي الصعبة التي عاشتها البلاد منذ اكثر من ثلاثة عقود من الزمن .(النهاية)/20/
The Saleh said in a press statement that concerned with the affairs of the country's monetary policy following the uncertainty in understanding the signals the monetary policy of the bank, which continued to face the cases of hyper-inflation and the deterioration of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate and through the manifestations of the imbalance of economic and social experience of the difficult country for more than three decades. ( end) / 20 /



on the verge of a new developments are in favor of the national economy

Get R Done..........Good one Thump



a fact which serves the starting point of monetary policy and contribute to the enhancement of the value of the dinar against the dollar and reflected positively on the whole economic process.

Gee, I really like that part. Thxs.




Thursday that the official announcement of the withdrawal is a recognition of the improved security

So many articles are stating that the troop withdrawl will open the "gates"....seem the CBI is always saying the same.

I had my old boss tell me back in the beginning of June '08 that he had a conversation with a friend of his that said when Obama becomes president and the troops leave iraq, we will see RV...Gosh if the troops living the citys is what we were waiting on..my old boss won't let me live his info down Lmaooooo we shall see LOL

Good find thump!!!



Well my bf said the same thing. It wont happen til the troops are out. BUT, I think he meant as in really out, not just back at the bases. I dont want him to be right only becuase he never followed this thing one damn day and doesnt own any.

Lets git er done already!!!!!!!!!!! $5.26 baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I to said when the troops are pulled out it would happen, but yes sunny we may have to wait until OUT. hope not. But we will never be completly out! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Very Happy

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