I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....
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I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....

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Geithner arrested? 116 major bank resignations? What The Finance is this?

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Geithner arrested? 116 major bank resignations? What The Finance is this?

Carl Herman
Washington’s Blog
March 4, 2012

Judge Napolitano testifies of Treasury Secretary and Federal Reserve-insider Timothy Geither’s arrest in this 4-minute corporate news show. American Kabuki lists the daily-increasing bank resignations. David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford explain and document history and deceit at the top of US and global finance, leading to current and imminent arrests.

What does this mean?

Anyone with intellectual integrity and moral courage can affirm that the Federal Reserve system is guilty of financial fraud at its core. The “emperor has no clothes” reason is they lie in omission and commission with a fiduciary responsibility: they create debt for what we use as money, charge the 99% increasing aggregate interest, and then tell us this is responsible leadership for the public good.

I teach college-level economics; the facts of a debt-based “monetary system,” unpayable and increasing aggregate debt, and increasing per capita interest costs is conservative textbook information. If you want to understand, I’ll walk you through here.

There’s more to the charge of financial fraud at the top of US economic and financial policy, of course. I recommend the documentation of Matt Taibbi and David DeGraw to dive-into details of the crimes, and Ellen Brown and American Monetary Institute to explore solutions.

Is current news of Geithner and bank “leadership” resignations evidence of an “emperor has no clothes” breakthrough? The people I work with and I, don’t know. What we do know is that until we have justice with the 1%’s crimes centering in war and money, we’ll continue to document the facts and demand their arrests. These crimes kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions of our dollars every year.

Until we have justice and policies for 100% of Earth’s inhabitants, it’s just another day of civic activism.



..this particular FOX piece is from may 2011.subject matter link to Timmy is though in timing with the arrest poo stuff talk! we'll see!



All the dirt is starting to surface...here it comes!! Thx Pan

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