I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....
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I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....

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The breakup of the euro zone: At the end, Germany has its own D-mark again Gold Coins

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The breakup of the euro zone: At the end, Germany has its own D-mark again

Why Greece, Spain, Italy and Ireland should immediately leave the euro zone, as long as it is still possible by peaceful means

Ron Holland, Daily Bell, 05/16/2012

"The attempts to form a government in Greece have failed on Tuesday, and the markets reacted frightened at the prospect that the left - who are against the terms of the EU's rescue - might emerge from a June held election as the winner and the euro zone crisis driven by a dangerous new phase. "- CNBC

Why should the Greek people by the austerity measures imposed by Germany and Brussels, and Auxiliary Loans - financially destroy and to drift into misery - with which only the interest is paid on the debt held by the big banks?

What if the banking system and the media establishment about the consequences of withdrawal from the euro are completely wrong, just as it completely since the beginning of the crisis lay next?

I assume that Greece after an exit from the euro zone more likely to have a strong economic recovery rather than a depression, as predicted by experts - experts who are employed by the very banks that have enslaved Greece.

Yes, what would you do?

Let's say you have no idea of ​​real estate and have an annual income of $ 30,000. Let us also assume that you bought during the set up of the U.S. Federal Reserve U.S. housing bubble for a home $ 500,000 and 2% of the purchase price has been paid.

Your real estate agent and your broker told you. "They Do not worry, we'll take care of the details" Later you discover that your signature was forged and you stated your annual income to $ 300,000.

Next, you find that the value of the property amounts in reality only $ 50,000, because the house has a number of land registry records and a variety of structural defects, as you can not even prove beyond doubt the ownership. The bank is threatening to take away all your life savings, because you are not behind with the mortgage payments.

What would you do? In such a situation, the most rational people would suspend its payments simply to declare the contract null and void and fraudulent sue all those who have transformed the business into a credit fraud.

This is a very simplified version of what happened to most countries within the European Union. The citizens of the euro countries have never voted for that national sovereignty is transferred, and how they understood at all what was going on.

The entire business - including the Public Debt - was one of fraud and was only carried to the banks and politicians to bring profits.

Economic recovery? Just outside the euro zone, and only after all debts have been declared null and void

For many European countries, it is best if they made a failed monetary and political experiment in the European Union has changed, just leave. Moreover, the huge Greek government debt, which are primarily held by German banks, annulled, and introduce an independent Greek national currency. A new drachma would have a lower and therefore much more attractive exchange rate, this will increase tourism and attract foreign investments.

Of course, it would quickly lead to a collapse of the Greek economy, but compared to the death spiral created by the EU, in which Greece was forced into the last few years and would continue in the future, this phase would be over quickly.

Despite all the warnings of the establishment may be the Greek people and the suffering populations of Spain, Italy, Ireland and other countries only urge to liberate themselves from the political shackles of the European Union and to go their own way.

The whole world knows that the Greek politicians are corrupt and are owned by the financial lobby. And as with most politicians in the western part of the case, the Greek politicians tend to choose short-term measures to bring them the biggest profits and kickbacks.

Politicians can not sue you, but countries can adjust the payment of fraudulent national debt just when the population was only strong enough to make pressure. History has shown that politicians can sometimes even become patriots when their political future is in danger and it looks as if the period of the financial creaming over.

I think that it is the EU's siren song of the austerity measures in Greece and other bailouts merely a political smokescreen to protect the population during the course of a multi-national bankruptcy suck them to steal more property, and to emphasize performance. For most euro countries, the solution would, however, is to lower taxes, less people steal and drive back the bloated government programs and grants.

The way out for Greece and other European countries to withdraw from the euro and the European Union and the above to do - and has declared after the debt null and void and thus become a debt-free nation

Even Germany will leave the euro zone

Ultimately, I agree with my friend John Browne, who was interviewed on CNBC on Friday for € crisis. John Browne is senior market strategist at Euro Pacific Capital and our Chief Executive Officer of Biologix Hair in Toronto.

He warned that not only Greece and other Mediterranean countries would get out of the €, but probably Germany before the end of the EU crisis re-introduces the D-Mark.

For government bonds one has only a few options: you can repay it, annul, or initiate a hyper-inflation - which is also the reason why is the European Union reached an impasse.

No country has ever repay its debt to, and citizens tend to benefit more from a lack of recognition of the national debt as a hyper-inflation, while the central banks always prefer inflation as a solution.

Given the fact that the monetary history of Germany is still in the minds of the people, it is the German people never allow the government to tolerate high inflation.

The European Union was created to control all Europeans - but will the German people in the massive money creation and the resulting inflation to rescue the failed EU and to inflate the gigantic debt mountain of € countries do not participate.

Learning from history?

It is almost 100 years ago, when the victorious Allies, and use their banking elites to the Treaty of Versailles to plunder the wealth of Germany and its citizens, although they were not more to blame for the terrible war as the Allies. For the Germans it is still not long enough ago that they had forgotten that the slide toward extremism, anger at those who plundered the country, and ultimately the rise of Hitler and National Socialism already.

The German people will certainly demand the withdrawal from the euro and the return to a credible currency, the Deutschmark, which should then be covered by gold in some way. The alternative would be a throwback to the 30s of the 20th year Risking century - and this error did not forget the Germans.

I would imagine that will be voted Angela Merkel in the Bundestag elections in 2013 due to EU issues. She and her coalition is then the power from the hands torn, while the European Union, led by Germany collapses into itself, as it could be observed in the past in many other grand imperial plans.

We must not forget here that 70 years ago, in 1933, was already a chancellor because of debt, hyperinflation and foreign policy disputes swept to power. For Germany this was not good.

Exit from the euro zone, while it is still possible by peaceful means

I know that many people ask themselves in the European Union: "Well how do we get out of here?"

The Europeans believe that it not at all more could be worse, so perhaps it should remain in the EU, while the establishment experts warn anyway prior bankruptcies, currency crises and the usual doomsday scenarios, the euro should be thrown overboard.

As an American I can say because of our own history, that the will of a power elite in control of the taxpayer's territory by any means (ie, at the expense of human life through economic destruction and violence) to maintain, always much more pronounced when the public generally assumes. In the U.S. we now have the 150 Anniversary of our Civil War, which destroyed the economy of the southern states and killed at the 600,000 Americans.

In reality, there was no real civil war and the death toll from the media establishment never even mentioned. And also the main cause of war, which had more to do with the creation of a central bank, the profits of the railways and the government revenue is not from the media establishment put together.

But this is after all, history is always written by the victors. Should not the quickest exit from the European countries created after the model of the American Union, European Union, they might without war - they would probably lose - never come back from the EU. Countries should leave the euro and the EU as soon as possible so as long as them, this is still possible.

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