I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....
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I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....

Dinar Outcast

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France vows to derail Iraq from Chapter VII

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23 23
Feb Feb
2010 2010

France vows to derail Iraq from Chapter VII

BAGHDAD (AP) - The French Ambassador to Iraq Boris Bwalun endeavor of his presidency during the next session of the Security Council to get Iraq out of Chapter VII of money.

French Ambassador In a press statement noted that Paris is looking forward to seeing Iraq a stable and strong, works to build the nation and guarantee the rights of people and to protect its democratic system, and expressed hope that the forthcoming elections to promote the status of Iraq, both in international and regional levels and consolidate the new democratic experiment.

Bwalun, he reiterated his country's determination to participate in monitoring the elections by sending 130 observers distributed among the governorates of Baghdad, Karbala and Basra, as well as the Kurdistan Region.

It should be noted that France Bdont work recently on major projects due to take delivery through its companies, is being prepared for introduction into Iraq in the light of the agreements signed between Iraq and France in the areas of economic and strategic numerous Among the projects which will hopefully start work on implementation French companies under the supervision of Baghdad Metro Project which work will start during the current year.

France is over the UNSC for March????????



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