I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....
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I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....

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Today in Russian Business - March 15, 2010

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Today in Russian Business - March 15, 2010

Russia's central bank is planning to introduce stricter requirements for banks this year as it reduces the weight of emergency liquidity measures put into place at the apex of the crisis. There is a Q+A in Reuters on whether Russia needs to curb the rise of the ruble. Putin has apparently suggested that the exodus of Russian capital during the crisis period was 'facilitated' by foreign banks. Russia is reportedly looking more and more attractive to foreign funds as the ruble strengthens and commodity prices bounce back. Apparently Ukraine may prefer to borrow from the IMF and the World Bank rather than Russia; an IMF team will visit the country next week. RFE/RL has an in-depth report on Avtovaz monotown Tolyatti. Troika dialog is ready to sell its 25% stake in Avotvaz, a move which, Troika's chairman says, will create much needed liquidity for the carmaker's shares. The Moscow Times reports on workers on a construction site in Sochi who have gone without their due salaries for months. With responsibility for Russia being transferred to GM, Opel workers fear being sidelined. A bill that would ease bail conditions for those held on suspicion of economic crimes has been passed by the Duma.

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