I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....
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I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....

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Gold Dinar

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1Gold Dinar Empty Gold Dinar Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:53 pm


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Is Libya being bombed by bloody U.S. Zio thugs because Gaddafi wants to introduce gold dinar?
Publication time: 22 March 2011, 16:14

The present World Economic Crisis has forced a number of governments to consider introduction of an interstate gold currency, writes a minor Russian oligarch Sterligov on his blog.

Since gold yuan coinage was announced by China, talks about the gold standard had been brought up in the Middle East. The main initiator of non-payment in dollars and euros is the Leader and Guide of the Revolution in Libya, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. He called on Arab and African world to adopt a single current - the gold dinar.

On this financial basis, Colonel Gaddafi offered to create a single African state with Arab and Black African population numbering 200 million people.

The idea of creating a single gold currency and uniting the countries of Africa into one powerful federal system has been actively supported during the last year by a number of Arabic and almost all African states. Democracy-infested South Africa and the Arab League opposed to the idea.

The US and the EU reacted very negatively to such a initiative. According to a French Zio "president" Sarkozy, "the Libyans have set on the financial security of mankind." Repeated calls by the Leader of the Libyan Revolution yields some results: Gaddafi has made more and more steps aimed at creating a United Africa.

Two false arguments have been invented to cover up the true reason for the present Zio-Christian Crusade against Libya: officially - "to defend human rights" and unofficially - an attempt to steal oil from the Libyan people. Both of these arguments do not hold up to scrutiny.

The truth is that Colonel Muammar Gaddafi decided to repeat the attempts by French General de Gaulle to abandon the use of U.S. junk paper money called "dollars" and return to gold, i.e. he attempts to attack the chief power of modern parasitic Zio Democracy - the banking system.

Department of Monitorng

Kavkaz Center


2Gold Dinar Empty Re: Gold Dinar Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:55 am



THANKS chevy...Love it!! it's from Russia and so much truth to it!

I figured Sarkozy is after the gold and USA is trying to save the dollar. UNreal how many of these countries that try to ditch the petrodollar gets pushed under the bus.

3Gold Dinar Empty Re: Gold Dinar Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:39 am


when you reserch these international banksters you start to unravel what quite awile ago was called 'synarchy',which is the power of secret groups and cabals,their competition,their infighting,..and finally who gets/got on top,and carving up the resources..to be used by whom,where,what for..and to what purpose(s)

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