I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....
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I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....

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On the Verge of Life Changing Events-World Central Banks will Dump Their U.S. Dollar Reserves!

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On the Verge of Life Changing Events

World Central Banks will Dump Their U.S. Dollar Reserves!


The Petrodollar will be illuminated!

Petrodollars are U.S. Dollar deposits made in western banks for oil transactions.

Almost Every Country in the World Must Buy U.S. dollars to purchase Oil.

The U.S. Dollar to Oil peg, artificially keeps the Dollar Alive.

(1973 -1979)-The U.S. "Persuade" oil producing nations to sell their oil in Petrodollars ONLY. Plus, the treaty mandated nations who accepted payment in Petrodollars to "invest" their profits in U.S. treasury notes, bond and bills. In return, the U.S. would protect them from Russia and any other nation that could cause harm to their oil fields.

A Sweet Deal for the U.S., that`s coming to an END!

Oil producing nations are not happy, the current Fed Fund Rate is near Zero; treasuries are paying near Zero. Plus, the U.S. Dollar is being Massed produced at an alarming rate, it`s now seen as a liability, not an asset.

When the Oil to U.S. dollar peg is broken, the artificial demand for dollars will end. The U.S. Dollar will End!

On January 14th, senior diplomats of both Iran and Russia announced they have Replaced dollars in their Oil trade with India, Japan and China. Demand for the U.S. Dollars is diminishing daily!

President Obama is Only adding to the Imminent Collapse of Our Money, on November 28th, during the annual summit between the U.S. & Europe, President Obama announced:

"The U.S. is ready to do our part to help Europe solve its problems"

On November 30th, officials revealed the joint venture between the Swiss National Bank, European Central Bank, Bank of Canada, Bank of England, Bank of Japan and the U.S. Federal Reserve. The Plan is to Dump Trillions of U.S. Dollars in the Hands of Weak European Banks.

President Obama and the Federal Reserve will Bailout European Banks with Tax Payer Dollars!

All participating Central Banks will Dump their U.S. Dollars Reserves, in an effort to keep banks like Barclays, Deutsche Bank and others afloat. One key factor in this joint venture, the Only Currency being dumped in the Open Market, will be the U.S. Dollar.

Trillions of U.S. Dollars held and kept out of circulation by Central Banks, will Now Flood the Currency Markets.

The final blow could come from the IMF. On January 18th, the IMF announced it`s prepared to "Infuse" $600 Billion Dollars in the Open Market for the European Crisis.

The U.S. Dollar Dumping Scheme will take place through the "U.S. Dollar Swap Line", an Over The Counter (OTC) Currency Market. The U.S. Dollar Swap Line was specially designed after the 2008 financial scare, the sole purpose of this market is for "Emergency Infusion" of Liquidity.

Guess What Happens to the Value of Your Savings, when Central Banks Dump their U.S. Dollar Reserves?

Guess who`s "On the Hook" for the Money, the Obama Administration will give European Banks?

Yes, Americans will get hit two ways:
1.) Higher Taxes,...someone has to pay it!
2.) Higher Costs of Living... Food & Energy are traded Against U.S. Dollars; adding Trillions of Dollars in the open market will devalue the U.S. Dollar, instantly!

IF You`re NOT Concerned... You Should Be!

World Central Banks came to this conclusion Only after a series of Non-Publicized Bank "Stress-Tests"; They Know Things Are About to Get Really Bad!

The S&P recently Downgraded 15 Major Banks, such as: Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, and JP Morgan Chase. The Non-U.S. based Banks were: Barclays, HSBC, UBS, RaboBank and others. Even Australia`s "Big Four" banks have been hit with downgrades.

If that wasn`t Bad Enough, on January 13th, the S&P Downgraded Nine European Countries. This has Never been done before!

Major European Countries and All the Major Banks, in the U.S. & Europe are in Trouble!

The Central Banks of Canada, Switzerland, England and Japan have joined forces to Bailout Banks in Europe. The Federal Reserve and the IMF will Bailout Countries in Europe.

Do you "Smell" A Major Financial Crisis?

The Obama Administration, the Treasury, and Federal Reserve, sure do!

Federal officials are "urging" U.S. banks to recapitalize Money Market Accounts- officials say they`re in "Systemic Risk".

For Many Years, U.S. Banks were taking American`s money oversees, they paid U.S. depositors 1%--1.25% on money market accounts, while depositing those funds in European Banks at an average yield of 4.75% - 5.75%. Good returns with Low Risk... so they thought!

Again, If you`re not concerned , You Should Be!

About 50% of all money market funds-$1.6 Trillion are in European Banks.

How Real is the Collapse of the European Financial System?

The head of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) told the UK`s biggest lenders to "draw up contingency plans for the collapse of the single currency".

Andrew Bailey, a senior executive at the FSA, said: "We must not ignore the prospect of the disorderly departure of some countries from the Eurozone".

When will the Financial Collapse Begin?

We could be days away! Greece will be the first "Domino" to fall, quickly spreading to Portugal, Hungary and others.

Negotiations between the Greek government and private holders of Greek Debt, shutdown after investors refused a proposed 50% "voluntary" haircut. Without this agreement, Greece will Collapse Very Quickly! The Greek 1 year Bond yield 40% last July, it`s now at 396%!!

How will A Financial Collapse in Europe affect your Money?

Remember, the Old Saying, "When the U.S. catches a cold, the world catches a Fever". The New statement is: "When the Banking System catches a cold... The World catches a Fever"

Today, All World Financial Markets, are One In The Same!

THINK ABOUT IT,.. the above mentioned Central Banks, the Federal Reserve and the IMF, would Not be joining forces and preparing for a financial Catastrophe,.. If they didn`t already Know One was Coming!

The World`s Financial System, lives on Borrowing & Lending of Money...
If the System Fails, The World Fails!

The question is...

What Have You Done to Protect Your Wealth?

For Years, you`ve heard that China has Stocked-piled Gold to Prepare for a Financial Crisis. They are now One of the World`s Largest Holders of Gold. As U.S. & European Banks were being Downgraded by S&P, the Bank of China, China Construction Bank and other China Based Banks, were Upgraded!


gente, where did you get this article? do you know how old or recent it is?



Found it on another site, but I just googled it, and it looks like it was a fear-driven marketing ad for a gold exchange...



It may have been a Ad of fear but it speak a ton of truth!

This fiat banking system is a run away train off a cliff! Nothing can stop it! Will it be a "total" crash or will it be a "controlled" crash to new system?

From what I've been total they want a "controlled" change over to the new system.



I think if they don't have a "controlled crash", they will have more than a few angry villagers with pitchforks and torches hunting them like Frankenstein's monster...

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