I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....
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I Get By With Alittle Help From My Friends....

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I wanted to start this thread for all the "gun stuff" that is happening right now. This is NOT a debate thread either, if you don't support guns...fine. But I do support guns and think I have a right to have whatever I want, without the government telling me what make or model I can or can not have! Anyway here a few things we might want to know:

This was to good to NOT post...print so you can pass it next time you go to the doctor:

Subject: Medical Appointment

You will enjoy reading this...

I visited a physician last week. It was a new doctor in the practice--a young lady (at MY age, EVERYBODY is “young”--when I was born, the Dead Sea wasn‘t even sick) who was quite enthusiastic. I was thinking of hitting on her, but I don’t like the phrase, “You remind me of my

She asked me what was wrong, and I replied, “I have a cut on my leg; and I think it may be getting infected.”

She said, “Before we start, I have to ask you a few questions. Are you allergic to any medications?”

I replied, “No.”

She said, “Do you have any guns in the house?”

I said, “HUH?”

She replied, “Guns. Do you have any guns in the house?”

I asked, “Why?”

She said, “I’ve got to ask this question. It is required under the Affordable Care Act.”

I asked, “What are you going to do with the data?”

She said, “We compile it, amalgamate it, and submit it to the government.”

I said, “Well, I have a Tommy Gun. I let my kid Tommy play with it.”

She said, “What’s a Tommy Gun? I don‘t think that is the kind of gun they are concerned with.”

With THAT, I knew I had a live one. I said, “It’s similar to a B.A.R., but a little heavier and shorter. I have a B.A.R. also.”

She said, “A B.A.R.?”

I said, “Yes.”

She looked puzzled. Then she brightened up and asked, “Do you have any assault rifles?”

I attempted to look puzzled, and said, “I don’t know. What is an assault rifle?”

She said, “That’s a gun that is used in wars.”

I said, “As a matter of fact, I do. I have a replica of a Revolutionary War musket.”

She began to look a bit exasperated. I pretended not to notice and kept up the appearance of trying to be helpful.

She said, “Do you have anything more modern than that?”

I replied, “Well, yes I do. I have a replica muzzle loader from the Civil War. Do you know the difference between a musket and a muzzle loader?”

She rather peevishly said, “No, I don’t; and I don’t want to. What else do you have?”

I said, “I have an M-1.”
She asked, “What’s that?”

I said, “A rifle.”

She asked, “What kind?”

I replied, “It is called a Garand.”

She rather loudly said, “I don’t care if it is a grand rifle or not. Is it an assault rifle?”

To which I replied, “I don’t know. I don’t know what an assault rifle is. You say it’s a rifle used in war, yet you say that my musket and muzzle loader are not assault rifles.”

She calmed down (a bit) and asked, “Anything else?”

I said, “I have an MG-.30, and an MG-.50. I‘m also part owner of an Apache. But they are not rifles.”

She stated, “Well, then, I’m not interested in them. Anything else.”

I replied, “Well, yes. I also have a 12-gauge and a 20-gauge pump. They are not rifled though.”

She said, “I’m not interested in pumps; I’m interested in guns.”

I replied, “Well, then, I have a Colt, a Luger, a Glock, a bazooka, a Parabellum, a Kalishnikov, a Henry, a Uzi, a Llama, and a Beretta--but they are not rifles.”

She then said, “I’ve had enough of this. I think you’re toying with me. Let me see your leg.”

I then said, “Excuse me, but before you look at my leg, I have a few questions to ask of you.”

She replied, “Of course. What are they?”

I said, “I have given you a lot of information about my guns. I am somewhat concerned about your knowledge and ability to assimilate, make coherent sense of that information, and report it correctly. Do you know the difference between a .22 caliber and a .223 caliber? It’s a rather fundamental difference.”

She replied, “Actually, I don’t.”

I said, “I see. Let me ask some more relevant questions. “How much money do you make?”

She said, “That’s personal, why do you ask?”

I said, “Well, in pushing the Health Care Act, my president cautioned the population about doctors who would amputate a leg rather than treat a cut because they make more money that way. Consequently, I wish to know if you are financially troubled. What kind of car do you drive? What are your house payments? How much is your mortgage? How much credit card debt do you have? Do you have a student loan; if so, how much?”

She said, “I’m not going to answer those questions. You have no right to ask them.”

I then asked, “Do you have training and education in homeopathic techniques? Do you know the benefits/effects of CoQ10, ginseng, fish oil, Creatine, BCAA, and other such herbal treatments?” Do you know the difference between Panax ginseng, American ginseng, and Siberian ginseng?”

She replied, “Well, no.”

I then asked, ”Well, have you studied it at all?”

She replied rather defensively, “NO; it’s all a bunch of hogwash anyway.”

I said, “Oh, then you have read the research on it. What have you read?”

She then said, “I don’t waste my time reading such things. Why are you asking me these questions?”

I said, “Well, if I’m going to turn my body over to you for treatment, I believe it is reasonable for me to know something about your motivation, training, experience, and competence. Do you know anything about the practice of holistic medicine?”

She said, rather angrily “No, I don’t.”

I said, “Oh. O.K. How much experience do you have in practicing medicine?”

She replied, “Well, not very much.”

To which I said, “Well, we all have to start somewhere. What medical school did you go to; what is its rank in terms of other medical schools; where did you intern; and where did you do your residency? What is the rank of the hospital where you did your internship and residency?”

She rather peevishly said, “All my credentials are posted in the waiting room.”

To which I said, “Really? The rank of your medical school is posted in the waiting room? Do you have any experience with leg injuries? If so, how much?”

I guess that was too much for her. She rather crossly said, “I think it would be best if you saw a different doctor,” and started to leave the room.

I said, “You know, doctor. You asked me irrelevant questions about my guns, and I answered them. Whether or not I own guns is really none of your business and has absolutely nothing to do with any treatment you might prescribe. On the other hand, I ask you questions quite relevant to my situation, and you refuse to answer them. Isn’t that somewhat backwards?”

She said, “But I HAVE to ask those questions. It’s the law.”

To which I replied, “Actually, it is NOT the law. Here is what the law says--taken directly from the Affordable Care Act:”

‘‘(1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS.—A wellness and health promotion
activity implemented under subsection (a)(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to—

‘‘(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully-possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or ‘‘(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual.

‘‘(2) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any information relating to—
‘‘(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition;
‘‘(B) the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or
‘‘(C) the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition.

“You may verify this at: http://housedocs.house.gov/energycommerce/ppacacon.pdf and

“As you can see, you have broken federal law TWICE--once by asking, and once by collecting data. It is perfectly legal for me to own guns; it is not legal for you to ask and/or collect such data. YOU are breaking the law, and yet YOU are the one who is angry. Not only that, but you erroneously stated that you must ask such questions, and you did it in a very authoritative and convincing manner. You gave me false information, which I then acted upon by answering your questions. On that basis, how can I be expected to trust your medical judgment? When I attempted to ascertain your medical competency, you became defensive and hostile.”

“There is really no need for me to
see another doctor in this practice. I‘ll go somewhere else, where my
privacy is respected, and I can trust the information I receive.”

Remember this next time you see a doctor or nurse who asks these questions.

2GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:06 am


Thanks Mom for forwarding this letter!! I think it is IMPORTANT TO POST due to anybody thinking of "moving" to Colorado after the RV! Or folks that might travel through the state, I know we will GO around Colorado from now on:



From: Michael Bane
Date: Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 4:09 PM
Subject: OUTDOOR CHANNEL Pulls Productions from Colorado
To: Steve King

Dear Senator King;

I met you yesterday after the so-called "public hearings" on the antigun bills; as I mentioned, I am an Executive Producer for OUTDOOR CHANNEL. I currently have four series in production, included GUN STORIES, the top show on OC, with several additional series in development. My series focus on guns, hunting, shooting and the outdoors.

This morning I met with my three Producers, and we made the decision that if these antigun bills become law, we will be moving all of our production OUT of Colorado. We have already cancelled a scheduled filming session for late this month. Obviously, part of this is due to our own commitment to the right to keep and bear arms, but it also reflects 3 lawyers' opinions that these laws are so poorly drafted and so designed to trap otherwise legal citizens into a crime (one of our attorneys referred to them as "flypaper laws") that it is simply too dangerous for us to film here.

I can give you chapter and verse on the legal implications if you need, but suffice to say that the first legal opinion was so scary we went out and got two others. Al three attorneys agreed.

We are relatively small potatoes in television, but our relocation of production will cost Colorado a little less than a million dollars in 2013.

Secondly, we have proudly promoted Colorado in our productions (and have been moving more and more production into the state); now we will do exactly the opposite. What does this mean for Colorado? The community of television producers is a small one. Last week I had lunch with a major network producer who was looking to locate his new reality series in Colorado. That producer is also a shooter, and the new reality series will now be based out of Phoenix. That lunch cost Colorado over a million in economic impact.

Thirdly, according to numbers I received from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (for whom I used to work) yesterday, hunting had an almost $800,000,000 impact on Colorado in 2012, driving as many as 8330 jobs. Next month I will be in Texas meeting with most of the top outdoor/hunting producers, and the Number One agenda item will be Colorado. Already, hunting organizations and statewide hunting clubs around the country are pulling out of Colorado, and we expect this trend to accelerate rapidly.

The message we will take to our viewers and listeners is that these proposed laws are so dangerous to hunters and any other person, be she a fisherman or a skier who brings a handgun into the state for self-defense, that we cannot recommend hunting, fishing or visiting Colorado. We reach millions of people, and, quite frankly, we have a credibility that Colorado government officials can no longer match. Colorado Division of Wildlife is already running ads trying to bring more out-of-state hunters to Colorado...in light of the flood of negative publicity about these proposed laws, I can assure you those ads will fail.

We estimate that as many as one-quarter to one-third of out-of-state hunters will desert Colorado in the next 18-24 months, which will quite frankly be a disaster for the hunting industry in Colorado and have a devastating effect on our western and northern communities (certainly like Grand Junction).

This is not a "boycott" in the traditional sense of a centralized, organized operation; rather, it is more of a grassroots decision on where shooters, hunters and other sportsmen are willing to spend their money. Look at the collapse of the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show in February. That venerable multimillion dollar trade show chose to ban modern sporting rifles and standard capacity magazines, and with three weeks it collapsed as all vendors and sponsors pulled out.

Colorado is going to pay a huge price for laws that will do nothing. Thank you, sir, for your support.

Michael Bane
OUTDOOR CHANNEL mbane@outdoorchannel.com

3GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:45 am



GREAT POSTS BOTH OF YOU LADIES! It realy is amazing how ignorant most are on the subject of guns/gun ownership...they've aowed theselves to be spoon fed crap by the media and have accepted it as gospel, and are giving up the one right that has keep the government from standing on our necks daily. It does seem that more folks are waking every day, hopefully many more will soon enough to put an end to the governments runaway power. Keep up the good work gals, thx again!

4GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:24 pm



GUN SUPPORT THREAD Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8Zjm7wMZAuA7_VlRC8h5ANeefJ6FYoxPlzKqzUhBQL4fidX9p

5GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:40 pm



just bought a 12 guage pump and a mossberg PAP M85 .223 hand gun. It's about 18 inchs long with a 30 round mag. Along with my 2 glocks and ammo.

6GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:28 pm


retired2934 wrote:just bought a 12 guage pump and a mossberg PAP M85 .223 hand gun. It's about 18 inchs long with a 30 round mag. Along with my 2 glocks and ammo.

OH YEAH! now here is the trick to find out if you GOT "good" guns or "bad" guns!! Gun owners need to check just to make sure. Set the Gun on a table, shelf, in a box, safe, etc. Now wait one week, then go check on the gun, if it is still there, it is a GOOD GUN and you will know it is NOT a bad gun that will by itself get up to go shoot someone.

We have GOOD gun here...even the ones with a layer of dust on them...they never moved yet!!



Meet the 46 United States Senators who were willing to sign over your 2nd amendment rights to the United Nations.


The anti-gun senators are all Democrats or so-called Independents.

Senate Bill 139 passed 53-46. 46 US Senators voted against this: “To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.”

Wizbang reported:
Fortunately, the odious, anti-American treaty was again voted down by the full Senate, but 46 Senators voted in favor of handing over our Constitutional rights to the UN.

Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) offered Amendment 139 that was passed with a 53 to 46 vote. His Amendment contained language to affirm that foreign treaties would not trump the U.S. Constitution.

“Mr. President,” Inhofe said on the floor of the Senate, “I want to make sure that everyone understands what the United Nations trade treaty is. The trade treaty is a treaty that cedes our authority to have trade agreements with our allies in terms of trading arms.”

He went on to say, “I want to very briefly read this so nobody over there or over here misunderstands what this amendment does. This is right out of the amendment. Uphold the Second Amendment rights, that is one thing. And secondly, prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations arms trade treaties.”

But many Democrats simply didn’t agree with Inhofe’s insistence that the U.S. Constitution trump the UN.

8GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:27 pm


As Reported by NRA
Dear TSRA Members, Family and Friends:
NRA Encourages United States Senate to 
Defend Second Amendment
Fairfax, Va. - The United Nations, with the support of the United States of America, voted today in the General Assembly to adopt an Arms Trade Treaty.
"This treaty disregards the Second Amendment to our Constitution and threatens individual firearm ownership with an evasive registration scheme," said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action. "It is a sad, yet telling, day when the President of the United States and his administration refuse to defend America's Constitution on the world stage."
With a passing yet non-binding acknowledgement of individual rights in the preamble, the treaty itself threatens civilian firearm ownership. The NRA has always maintained that any Arms Trade Treaty must respect the Second Amendment right of individual self-defense. This can only be accomplished by expressly excluding civilian firearms ownership from its scope, which this treaty fails to do.
Notably, the ATT includes "small arms and light weapons" among its terms, which cover firearms owned by law-abiding citizens. Further, the treaty's text urges recordkeeping of end users, directing importing countries to provide information to an exporting country regarding arms transfers, including "end use or end user documentation" for a "minimum of ten years." Each state is to "take measures, pursuant to its national laws, to regulate brokering taking place under its jurisdiction for conventional arms." Data kept on the end users of imported firearms would result in a registry of law-abiding firearms owners in this country, which based on the language of this treaty, could be available to foreign governments.
President Obama's administration has supported the adoption of this treaty, and the administration is expecting to sign it, despite clear bipartisan opposition in the U.S. Senate. On March 23, the Senate adopted an amendment to its FY 2014 Budget Resolution offered by Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) that establishes a deficit-neutral fund for "the purpose of preventing the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty." This effort is in addition to the campaign led by Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) to pass concurrent resolutions opposing the treaty.
"We thank Senator Moran, Senator Inhofe, and Representative Kelly for leading the effort to reject ratification of this misguided treaty," concluded Cox.

9GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:04 pm



welcome to mother russia

10GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:40 am


Arizona law forces cities to resell guns from buy-back programs

PHOENIX (Reuters) - Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Monday signed legislation forcing municipalities to resell firearms from gun buy-back programs rather than destroy them, closing a loophole in the conservative state's laws.

Brewer, a Republican and staunch gun rights advocate, signed the bill preventing local governments from melting down the weapons obtained from these popular civic events. Before the new law, the state had allowed such firearms to be destroyed.

A spokesman for Brewer could not immediately be reached for comment late on Monday.

The bill had the support of the National Rifle Association and Arizona's Republican-controlled legislature. It cleared the state Senate earlier this month by an 18-12 vote. The state House approved the bill in March.

Supporters of the measure said municipalities were wasting taxpayers' money by not realizing the revenue from reselling turned-in weapons.

Opponents argued that it sent the wrong message and that the state needed to focus on the broader issue of gun control.

"This action by the governor is not only outrageous, but it is insensitive for us now to be putting these guns back on the streets," said state Senator Steve Gallardo, a Democrat and a leading opponent of the measure. "That's just plain wrong."

The law does not specify what penalties communities would face for violating its provisions.

Arizona became a battlefront in the national gun debate after a 2011 mass shooting outside a Tucson supermarket killed six people and left U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords gravely wounded.

Giffords, who has since left Congress, and her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, have been pushing for tighter gun laws, especially in the wake of the December 2012 massacre at a Connecticut school in which a gunman killed 26 people, including 20 kids.

11GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:51 am


After Arizona purchased all those guns on the buy back program...did their "crime rate" go down???

12GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Tue May 14, 2013 3:10 pm



in dealing with the buy back system, I have found that the only people to turn in guns are people who need money or widows of war vets who found a gun in the closet the her husband brought back from combat.


Recall looms for Colorado lawmaker who supported gun control bill

A group of gun-rights activists seeking to oust a top Democratic state lawmaker in Colorado over the passage of strict gun control legislation on Monday turned in double the signatures needed to force a recall election.

KDVR reports the group turned in over 16,000 signatures, more than double the 7,178 valid signatures needed, to the Colorado Secretary of State's office in the effort to recall Colorado Senate President John Morse.

“This sends a strong message,” Rob Harris, who delivered three boxes full of petitions to the office, told KDVR. “We’ve obtained enough signatures to recall a state legislator for the first time in the history of Colorado.”

The Secretary of State’s office now has 15 days to determine whether enough of the signatures  are valid, and then Morse's office has another 15 days to contest the validity of the signatures.

Morse tells KDVR he is going to fight the recall effort.

“We’ll go through these signatures with a fine-toothed comb,” Morse told the station. “And we’ll file some protests with the Secretary of State’s office because we know a lot of these signatures were gathered based on misinformation and lies.”

He also insisted he will not resign his seat to avoid a recall election.

“This is a hill worth dying on,” Morse said. “This is a fight worth having; it’s a fight we’ve already had on the floor of the Senate; it’s a fight worth winning.”

Last week, the non-profit America Votes, which lists New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg among its backers, released a video in support of Morse. 

The recall effort is also receiving financial help from national non-profits.  However, Harris claims it was a grassroots effort.

“I ran this recall,” he told KDVR. “Not the N.R.A. It sends a message to Denver and Washington, DC that we, the people, are watching and that we will do something about it.”

The effort against Morse has become a national focus of efforts to push back against lawmakers from moderate districts who support ratcheting back gun rights. 

Gun-rights activists are seeking to recall another Democrat, a senator from Pueblo. Signatures in that effort aren't due until next week.

14GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:29 pm



Right on Colorado!

15GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:35 pm


Press Release:
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott

Message From Texas Attorney General

Your Liberty -- as a United States citizen -- was weakened and threatened yesterday when the Obama Administration helped the United Nations pass the Arms Trade Treaty. Immediately after this disappointing vote, I wrote a letter to President Obama urging him not to sign the treaty. If the President signs the treaty allowing the UN to be involved in regulating firearms in the U.S. , Texas will lead the charge to have the treaty overturned in court as a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

I need your support.

Please help us get the word out by referring 3 of your friends right now, and forwarding this email to 5 of your friends.

Together, we can make a difference. America is exceptional in part because our Constitution safeguards our individual liberties - including the right to keep and bear arms enshrined in the Second Amendment. The new UN treaty threatens your rights:

It doesn't recognize the individual right to keep and bear arms or the fundamental right to defend yourself, your family, or your property;

It empowers a new UN bureaucracy focused on firearms restrictions that will be run by international bureaucrats who are not accountable to the people of the United States.

It could impose firearm registration requirements that may empower international authorities to get information about American citizens and businesses.

This UN treaty does more than trample Second Amendment rights. It also threatens to erode all liberties guaranteed to Americans in the Constitution by giving the UN power to govern our lives.

Please refer 3 of your friends today and forward this important message to 5 of your friends right now.

Your voice must be heard on this issue. When the Constitution says, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed," it means no one-including the UN-can infringe upon that right. UN treaties do not trump the Constitution. And with your help, we will make that message clear to President Obama and this administration.


Greg Abbot

Please add your support by sending an email to www.tsrapac.com or contact the Texas State Rifle Association.

16GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:53 am


I think Texas just needs to "leave" the USA Corporation governement. Texas is the only state that can say "bye-bye".

17GUN SUPPORT THREAD Empty Re: GUN SUPPORT THREAD Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:14 pm



The wife and I have given serious thought about moving to Austin if things keep on going the way they're going. Good food and good music...I really like that town, and the whole "mind your own business attitude" of Texas. We are in Oregon right now, and most folks are pretty down for the 2nd Amendment, in fact all of the Constitution, but I think it's only a matter of time before the idiocy of California begins to infect those in power up here as well.

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